Fragments of Learning?

This work is a dynamic exploration of learning, centred around an evolving map of topics.

It is never intended to be complete: if you want to find my more considered and published work, try the blog (for my #WorkingOutLoud posts, exploring all aspects of the Social Age), or the Sea Salt Learning site, to find all my books, games, and certification programmes.

If you want to have an overview, start with the ‘Introduction’ video.

Sell By Dates

Posts will have a ‘sell by date’: my aim is not to create a dump site, but rather a dynamic body of work.

Of necessity, it will start off quite sparse, and fill up over time.

I will welcome thoughts and feedback, although do bear in mind that none of this is ‘complete’ thinking.

Subscribe and GO!

You can subscribe to the main channel (which will include all sections), or simply to specific topics.

Please note that i will be uploading sporadically, so you may get multiple emails one day, and then nothing for a while.

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Subscribe to Learning Fragments by Julian Stodd

A scattering of fragmented thoughts about learning, based around a central ‘Learning Map’. A dynamic, imperfect space, part of my #WorkingOutLoud


Author, Researcher, Artist, Explorer of the Social Age. My work explores the intersection of formal and social systems, charting the evolution of Organisations and broader structures of society.